Home > Cattails: Wildwood Story > Cattails: Wildwood Story Cat Recruitment Guide

Cattails: Wildwood Story Cat Recruitment Guide

Cattails: Wildwood Story Cat Recruitment Guide

A guide for keeping track of which cat requires what items, and where to find said items in the world!


  • Snake lily only spawns in tiles in Autumn/Winter
  • Raspberries only spawn in tiles in Summer/Spring, Blackberries in Autumn, and Blueberries in Winter
  • Mushrooms spawn on the surface in Autumn in random tiles
  • Foxglove only spawns in Summer/Autumn
  • Bats and Rats only appear at night, or in the mines
  • Queen of the Nights only appear at night
  • Ladybugs and Moths only spawn in Spring, Butterflies and Fireflies only spawn in Summer, Dragonflies only spawn in Autumn, and Beetles only spawn in Winter
  • Most herbs aren’t growing in Winter, you’ll have to buy (Ember, Mole, Festival, Task) or grow them (Alabaster/Garden) instead
  • Herbs that require a higher rarity will be marked as such with It’s, I will use the highest rarity icons for herbs just because I think they look pretty (ex. Goldenseal vs Goldenseal )
  • Italised items mean that that area shares all the item’s spawns
  • In your inventory, pause menu, and map, there’s a bar at the top with a paw and two arrows pointing to left and right. If you keep pressing one, eventually you’ll land on a tab called ‘Donate’, which shows the items for recruitment that you still need, and those you have currently on you!


“Keeping busy today, (Player)? There is an endless list of things that need doing, I presume. I’d like to think I’m doing my part, however small it may be!”

Required Items

  • 1 Goldenseal
  • 1 Valerian
  • 1 Lavender

Item Locations

Goldenseal | Ember, Gardening, Task Board, Arid Plains, Beach East, Beach Sidewoods, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Central Meadow, Chain of Lakes, Clay Pits, Crater, Meadow Outskirts, North Floodplain, River Dell, South Central, South Glade, Swamp Corner, Swamp North, The Grim Clearing, The Old Farm, West Central, West Woodland, Wooded Bog

Valerian | Ember, Gardening, Beach East, Beach Sidewoods, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Blossoming Field, Chain of Lakes, Creeping Hollow, East Central, East Forest, Northern Wastes, South Foothills, South Glade, Swamp Corner, The Confluence, Thicket Burrows, West Central, West Meadow, West Woodland, Wetland Estuary

Lavender | Gardening, Molo, Arid Plains, Ashen Knolls, Badlands Maze, Blossoming Field, Caldera, East Central, East Foothills, North Foothills, Strange Tarn, Swamp North, The Confluence, The Grim Clearing, Thicket Burrows, Volcanic Basin, West Central, West Meadow, West Woodland, Wooded Bog

Unlocks gardening*


“Well now, how are you doing (Player)? I would enjoy a friendly chat today.”

See also:  Cattails: Wildwood Story Rival Marriages Guide

Required Items

  • 3 Trout
  • 2 Carp
  • 1 Salmon

Item Locations

Trout | Task Board, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Chain of Lakes, North Floodplain, North Foothills, Rival Dell, River Vale, South Foothills, South Glade, Swamp North, The Confluence, West Central, West Foothills, West Woodland, Wooded Bog

Carp | Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Clay Pits, North Floodplain, North Foothills, River Dell, River Vale, South Foothills, South Glade, Swamp North, The Confluence, West Central, West Foothills, West Woodland, Wooded Bog

Salmon | Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Chain of Lakes, North Floodplain, North Foothills, River Dell, River Vale, South Foothills, South Glade, Strange Tarn, Swamp North, The Confluence, West Central, West Foothills, West Woodland, Wooded Bog


“Oh! Are you talking to me? …Sorry, I startle easily.”

Required Items

  • 3 Catnip
  • 2 Thistle
  • 1 Minnow

Item Locations

Catnip | Gardening, Task Board, Beach West, Blossoming Field, East Central, East Forest, Northern Wastes, North Foothills, North Meadow, River Dell, South Central, South Foothills, The Old Farm, The Staunch Stones, West Central, West Foothills, West Woodland,

Thistle | Gardening, Arid Plains, Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West, Birch Holt, Caldera, Clay Pits, Crater, Creeping Hollow, East Floodplain, River Vale, South Foothills, Swamp Corner, The Confulence, The Grim Clearing, West Central, West Foothills, West Woodland, Wooded Bog

Minnow | Ember, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Chain of Lakes, East Foothills, Mountain Lake, Mountain Summit, North Floodplain, North Foothills, South Foothills, Strange Tarn, Swamp Corner, West Central, West Foothills, West Woodland, Wetland Estuary


“Huh? You talking to me?”

Required Items

  • 3 Crab
  • 1 Snake
  • 5 Voidmarrow

Item Locations

Crab | Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West

Snake | Arid Plains, Ashen Knolls, Badlands Maze, Northern Wastes, Swamp Corner, Volcanic Basin, West Central, Western Wastes, Wetland Estuary

Voidmarrow | Kill Voidlings and they have a chance of dropping this item. You can ensure Voidling spawns by assigning a Squad to a tile through Talon and going to fight the Voidlings that appear there the next day, or by fighting where an auto-generated Squad is (Two swords crossing icon).


“Hey. What’s new with you?”

Required Items

  • 3 Snake Lily
  • 2 Amethyst
  • 1 Crow

Item Locations

Snake Lily* | Gardening, Creeping Hollow, Swamp Corner, Swamp North, Wetland Estuary, Wooded Bog

Amethyst | Task Board, In the mines, starts appearing at level ~40

Crow | Arid Plains, Badlands Maze, East Foothills, Northern Wastes, Scorched Desert, South Foothills, Swamp Corner, Swamp North, The Grim Clearing, The Old Farm, The Staunch Stones, Western Wastes, West Woodland, Wooded Bog

Fliss & Lainey

“Oh, hello. I was just trying to get Lainey to go hunting with me, but I wasn’t making much progress on that front.” “Hey! I was watching you run around earlier. What do you do all day?”

Required Items

  • 2 Daisy
  • 2 Sea Bass
  • 2 Mackerel

Item Locations

Daisy | Gardening, Task Board, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Blossoming Field, Central Meadow, Chain of Lakes, East Central, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Summit, Northern Wastes, North Floodplain, River Dell, South Central, South Glade, The Confluence, The Old Farm, The Staunch Stones, Thicket Burrows, West Central, Western Wastes, West Meadow

See also:  Cattails: Wildwood Story Herb Location Guide

Sea Bass | Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West

Mackerel | Molo, Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West


“Oh, what is it now? Did I mess something up again? I don’t want to be in trouble…”

Required Items

  • 2 Lizard
  • 3 Toad
  • 2 Licorice +

Item Locations

Lizard | Ashen Knolls, Beach East, Beach West, Caldera, Northern Wastes, Swamp Corner, Volcanic Basin, Wetland Estuary

Toad | Alabaster, Ashen Knolls, Beach West, Blossoming Field, Clay Pits, Northern Wastes, River Vale, Strange Tarn, Swamp Corner, Swamp North, The Confluence, The Old Farm, West Meadow, Wetland Estuary, Wooded Bog

Licorice | Gardening, Badlands Maze, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Caldera, Central Meadow, Clay Pits, East Central, East Foothills, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Lake, Northern Wastes, North Floodplain, South Central, South Foothills, Swamp Corner, The Confluence, The Staunch Stones, Volcanic Basin, West Central, Western Wastes, West Foothills, West Meadow, West Woodland, Wooded Bog


“To what do I owe the pleasure of your esteemed presence?”

Required Items

  • 1 Quartz
  • 1 Voidmarrow
  • 1 Scallop

Item Locations

Quartz | In the mines, starts appearing at level ~10

Voidmarrow | Kill Voidlings and they have a chance of dropping this item. You can ensure Voidling spawns by assigning a Squad to a tile through Talon and going to fight the Voidlings that appear there the next day, or by fighting where an auto-generated Squad is (Two swords crossing icon).

Scallop | Found randomly on beach tiles (Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West)

*Unlocks museum


“Oh? I wasn’t expecting you to talk to me. I usually just keep to myself. Not that I don’t like company or anything. I just tend to keep to myself.”

Required Items

  • 2 Peppermint ★★+
  • 2 Dove
  • 1 Marigold ★★+

Item Locations

Peppermint | Ember, Gardening, Chain of Lakes, East Foothills, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Lake, Mountain Summit, North Foothills, South Central, South Foothills, The Grim Clearing, The Old Farm, West Woodland

Dove | Ember, Arid Plains, Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Blossoming Field, Chain of Lakes, North Floodplain, River Vale, South Glade, Swamp Corner, The Staunch Stones, West Central, West Meadow, Wetland Estuary, Wooded Bog

Marigold | Ember, Gardening, Arid Plains, Ashen Knolls, Badlands Maze, Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Caldera, Central Meadow, Crater, East Central, East Foothills, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Summit, North Floodplain, River Dell, River Vale, Scorched Desert, South Glade, Swamp Corner, Swamp North, The Staunch Stones, Thicket Burrows, Volcanic Basin, Western Wastes, West Woodland, Wetland Estuary, Wooded Bog


“Were you looking for me, hon?”

Required Items

  • 1 Sphinx Moth
  • 3 Blackberry ★★+
  • 1 Magpie

Item Locations

Sphinx Moth | Commonly found in any tile in Spring at night

Blackberry** | Molo, Arid Plains, Badlands Maze, Beach West, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Caldera, Crater, East Central, East Foothills, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Lake, Mountain Summit, North Foothills, North Meadow, River Vale, Scorched Desert, South Central, South Foothills, Swamp Corner, Volcanic Basin, Western Wastes

Magpie | East Central, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, River Vale, The Staunch Stones, West Central, Western Wastes, West Woodland

See also:  Cattails: Wildwood Story Herb Location Guide


“Mind your own business. That’s an order.”

Required Items

  • 1 Mouse
  • 1 Squirrel
  • 1 Frog

Item Locations

Mouse | Ember, Molo, Arid Plains, Badlands Maze, Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West, Birch Lake, Central Meadow, Clay Pits, Crater, Creeping Hollow, East Central, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, North Meadow, Scorched Desert, South Central, Strange Tarn, Swamp Corner, The Grim Clearing, The Old Farm, The Staunch Stones, Thicket Burrows, West Central, Western Wastes, West Foothills, Wetland Estuary

Squirrel | Arid Plains, Badlands Maze, Central Meadow, Crater, East Central, East Foothills, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Lake, Mountain Summit, North Floodplain, North Foothills, South Foothills, Strange Tarn, The Grim Clearing, Thicket Burrows, Volcanic Basin, West Central, West Meadow, West Woodland

Frog | Beach East, Beachside Woods, Beach West, Birch Holt, Birch Lake, Chain of Lakes, Clay Pits, River Dell, River Vale, Strange Tarn, Swamp Corner, Swamp North, The Confluence, West Central, Wetland Estuary, Wooded Bog

*Unlocks scouting


“I know, it is difficult to stay away for long! I seem to have that effect on all those whom I meet.”

Required Items

  • 3 White Firefly
  • 1 Amanita
  • 1 Foxglove

Item Locations

White Firefly | Commonly found in any tile in Summer at night

Amanita | Found in the mines, or in random tiles in Autumn

Foxglove | Task Board, Arid Plains, Ashen Knoll, Badlands Maze, Beach East, Beachside Woods, Blossoming field, Caldera, Central Meadow, Clay Pits, Creeping Hollow, North Floodplain, North Meadow, Scorched Desert, Strange Tarn, Swamp North, The Confluence, The Grim Clearing, The Old Farm, The Staunch Stones, Volcanic Basin, West Central, West Foothills, West Meadow, West Woodland


(Portrait will be spoilered for a little while, to give you guys time to meet this cat yourself!)

“Greetings (Player), (Title) of (Colony)”

Required Items

  • 60 Voidmarrow
  • 9 Bat
  • 6 Queen of the Night
  • 3 Unidentified Curio
  • 3 Rat

Item Locations

Voidmarrow | Kill Voidlings and they have a chance of dropping this item. You can ensure Voidling spawns by assigning a Squad to a tile through Talon and going to fight the Voidlings that appear there the next day, or by fighting where an auto-generated Squad is (Two swords crossing icon)

Bat | Mines, Arid Plains, Ashen Knolls, Badlands Maze, Blossoming Field, Caldera, Central Meadow, Crater, Creeping Hollow, East Foothills, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Lake, Mountain Summit, North Foothills, Northern Wastes, Scorched Desert, South Central, South Foothills, South Glade, Swamp Corner, The Old Farm, The Staunch Stones, Volcanic Basin, West Meadow, Western Wastes

Queen of the Night | Ashen Knolls, Beach East, Beach West, Beachside Woods, Blossoming Field, Caldera, Central Meadow, Clay Pits, East Central, East Forest, Meadow Outskirts, Mountain Lake, Mountain Summit, North Foothills, North Meadow, Northern Wastes, Scorched Desert, Swamp Corner, Thicket Burrows, Volcanic Basin, West Central, West Meadow, Wetland Estuary

Unidentified Curio | Task Board, The mines- especially level 75 of Mine 2, Crater, Mountain Lake, Scorched Desert, Strange Tarn, The Mines, The Old Farm, The Staunch Stones

Rat | Mines, Mountain Summit, North Foothills, Swamp Corner, The Staunch Stones

Written by puddie

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