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En Garde! Achivement Guide 100%

A quick guide showing you how to get every achivement in En Garde!

En Garde! Achivement Guide 100%

General Information

  • Time to get 100%: ~10-15h
  • Amount of achivements: 30
  • Difficulty: ~5/10
  • Personal Enjoyment: 4/10

Story Achivements

These achivements can’t be missed you just need to complete all 4 chapters to get them.

El Vigilante’s Trials Complete Chapter 1
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Preposterous Portraits Complete Chapter 2
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Midnight Mischief Complete Chapter 3
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Mystery Island Complete Chapter 4
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Story “Speedrun” Achivements

Complete each chapter with taking 30 minutes or less. This might be hard to do in your first playthrough, especially for the 3rd and 4th chapter. But its fairly easy once you got the hang of the game.

Trial Skipper Complete Chapter 1 in 30 minutes
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Fire Emergency Complete Chapter 2 in 30 minutes
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Speed Dating Complete Chapter 3 in 30 minutes
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Conspiraspeedster Complete Chapter 4 in 30 minutes
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Arena mode

Arena mode is a unique game mode where you’ll face waves of foes in various arenas. The only thing that makes this mode different is the inclusion of both positive and negative codexes (effects), adding a touch of diversity to each attempt. You also need to start from the very beginning every time you get defeated.

Twisted Tales Finish a Cadet run in Arena Mode (easiest difficulty)
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Arena Legend Finish a Legend run in Arena Mode (hardest difficulty). Here you will face hordes of enemies in different arenas, all with a mere 4 health points. Fortunately, there are game-changing codexes/abilities, like regaining 1 HP after dodging a few attacks. But getting the good cofexes is of course luck.
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

All-rounder Complete the Modifiers Codex in Arena Mode. To achieve this, you’ll need to play a round with each codex. However, there is a convenient trick: you don’t have to complete the round, you can just start it, restart quickly, and choose a new codex. This method makes it quite easy to accomplish.
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Absolutely, Totally, Inconceivable! Complete an Arena Mode run without taking any damage. (Can be done on the first arena difficulty). This stands out as one of the toughest achievements, primarily because a single hit is enough to fail this. Opt for a cautious strategy by using the environment to stun foes, so you weaken and 1vs1 them. Pretty annoying achivement honestly.

En Garde! 100% Achivement guide


In every chapter, there are four unique challenges that you can fulfill, all of which must be completed during specific battles. You’ll notice these challenges popping up at the start of the fights where they can be achieved (although I’m not entirely certain if they appear during your first playthrough). If you are uncertain about how to complete a challenge, there is already a dedicated guide available specifically for these challenges by someone else.

Aspiring Swashbuckler Complete a Challenge for the first time
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Legendary Swordmaster Complete all challenges in every chapter.
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Points of Interests + Secret Locations

In every chapter, you’ll come across several “points of interest,” identifiable by a magnifying glass icon. While they’re not particularly well-hidden, uncovering all of them independently can still be a bit frustrating. To simplify the task, I suggest using a YT guide. Secret areas are are kind of the same but a bit more hidden.

Interesting… Discover a Point of Interest for the first time
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Barrio Busybody Discover all Points of Interest in Episode 1
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Seditious Snoop Discover all Points of Interest in Episode 2
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Midnight Meddler Discover all Points of Interest in Episode 3
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Cove Conspirator Discover all Points of Interest in Episode 4.
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Loremaster Find all points of interest
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Not So Secret Discover a secret area for the first time
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Every Nook and Cranny Find all secret areas
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide


Can You Pet the Chicken? Super easy just pet a chicken. You can find a chicken early in chapter 1
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

First Try Beat any Episode Boss without being defeated. You can take damage, just dont get defeated during the bossfight
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Curtain Call After completing chapter 4 watch the credits till the end (you can speed up just dont skip)
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Prison Handmaid Set the Captain’s pants on fire in the prison kitchen. Has to be done in chapter 2 the first time you fight the captain enemy. Weaken her and kick her into the fire place.
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Profound Humility Listen to the Count-Duke’s speech rehearsal entirely. In chapter 3 about 1/3 into the chapter you will hear the duke practice a speach, just waint there until he is finished. You cant really miss it, its on the main path.
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Annex the Moon Kingdom! Witness the shaping of a conspiracy. In chapter 4 after defeating Zaida on the bridge when you enter the Dukes Mansion (right after defeating 2 duelists in the same room) you can listen in on a conversation behind a closed door (The door shown on the screenshot)
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Inconceivable! Complete an Episode without taking any damage. For me personally the most annoying achivement because playing the first episode over and over again until not taking any damage is really boring. But if you take it slow and only engage in 1vs1 fights its very possible.(Respawning or quitting out of the game once you took damage dont work).

En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

En Garde! Complete all the other achivement
En Garde! 100% Achivement guide

Written by philip

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