Home > PAYDAY 3 > PAYDAY 3 Infamy Farming Guide

PAYDAY 3 Infamy Farming Guide

Do you want to unlock more skill points, weapons and cosmetic items as fast as possible, but don’t see much progress after finishing harder heists? Then this guide is for you!

PAYDAY 3 Infamy Farming Guide

All You Have to do is Play Road Rage on Normal

Infamy Farming Guide [+bonus tips]

Yep, although it feels counter-intuitive to think that you can level up faster playing Normal than Overkill (since it was this way in Payday 2), Payday 3’s leveling system is not about amount of bags at the highest difficulty, but about completing challenges.

And since you’re spending more time trying to stay alive and complete objectives than killing cops while playing harder difficulties, you can relax and don’t worry about getting downed every second or so on Normal.

You can pick any heist really, but I like this one. I think it fits the most, there aren’t a lot of civilians, cops spawn points are predictable + it pays pretty well even on normal.

See also:  PAYDAY 3 Challenges List

Check out your Combat challenges tab

In the menu click on “Challenges” -> then “Combat”

Infamy Farming Guide [+bonus tips]

See which of those are close to completion or which do you prefer to complete
Read a description, pick a primary and secondary weapon.

With some weapon challenges you might kill two birds with one stone, for example:

Infamy Farming Guide [+bonus tips]

As you see, with this weapon you can progress with 3 challenges at the same time, you just have to get headshots while aiming down the sights.

Some other challenges might want you to get kills with silenced version of your weapon or while firing from the hip, so check the description.

Also, don’t forget that there are grenade, flashbang and smoke grenade challenges.

Skills and Equipment

I recommend to pick armor bag and armor related skills so you could stay longer. Just select your toughest armor and you’re set.

Bonus tips

These will count towards a challenge that gives you Infamy EXP
  • If at the end of the heist you still have your Ammo/Medic/Armor bag – deploy it before evacuation.
  • During stealth – always mark every guard and camera you see.
  • Make sure you use your ECM jammer before completing heist, even during loud.
  • Use hostages as a human shield(especially during Road Rage van escort) – it will help you get shot less and keep naders from tear gassing you.
    Other tips
  • During stealth, place a Motion Sensor tool on a Lead Guard’s ass who spawns on Overkill – this way you know where he is at all times so you can avoid him AND he will mark other guards/civilians as he walks around.
  • (?)If you completed a challenge – finishing a heist is optional, you will level up Infamy even if you fail (I’m 80% sure, have to confirm this).
  • Use melee to drop civilians down on the ground immediately.

    That’s it for now, I will be adding more later.
    Hope these are helpful.

See also:  PAYDAY 3 Under the Surphaze Safe Location

Load up a heist, follow the challenge descriptions and you’re golden!

Have fun!

Infamy Farming Guide [+bonus tips]

Written by Ace_D4

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